St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn

St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn (Vinnies) has been serving our local community since 1924, offering a “hand up” to people in need. As a volunteer-run organisation, the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society is largely carried out by members of the communit y who gene rously give their time and skills to help others.

We pride ourselves on a vibrant and skillful culture, with a passion for volunteering.

1. Personal Details
As per your Drivers Licence or Passport
As per your Drivers Licence or Passport
2. Diversity and Inclusion
(Optional: This question helps us understand and support the diverse needs of our potential volunteers)
3. Health Declaration
4. Emergency Contact Details

5. Availability and Commitment
6. Volunteering Engagement

More information on the programs and volunteering opportunities listed below can be found on our website at (or by emailing us at Please select up to 3 options:

For Clemente, tertiary qualification is mandatory
7. Background Checks and Licences
Required for volunteer driving role
Please note that the Society will pay for the check.
8. Referees

Referees should be a person unrelated to the applicant and be known for 12 months or more

9. Privacy and Confidentiality Consents
Consent to Communication
Consent to use Photographs and Images

I allow the St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/ Goulburn to use images, both still or video of me to support its’s communications and fundraising to the community during my time as a member or volunteer of the Society. I understand that I do not own the copyright in the sound or vision, and I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished production. Any such images will be used to inform the community of our work and impact to foster understanding and support of the purpose of the Society.

Medical Consent
Consent to use Emergency Contact Details
10. Code of Conduct

Vinnies adheres to a Code of Conduct that outlines our expectations for behavior and ethics. 

Please review our Code of Conduct by clicking here

11. Acknowledgement
(Maximum 300 characters)

By signing this application with the St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn, I declare all information given by me is true and correct. I have not knowingly withheld any circumstances or facts that would, if disclosed, affect my application. I also declare I have consent to share details of other persons as part of my application.

If completing this application on behalf of someone else please ensure you have their consent to provide their details as part of this application form. 

I understand if my application for volunteering is successful, I will be asked to sign a Volunteer Assignment Agreement in respect to terms of agreement for volunteering as outlined by the Society, including; qualifications, identification, licenses, visa, registration, clearance checks or insurance prior to commencing volunteering.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

If under 18 years, a signature from a Parent/Guardian is required:

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

The Society collects personal, medical information, work right and background checks in accordance with the Privacy Act 1998 and the Society’s “Character Check Policy”, for the purposes of providing and administering a fair and thorough evaluation of applicants. 

Our privacy policy is also available on our website.